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Our infrastructure and cutting-edge equipment

Extended Reality

Extended Reality (XR) is a term that encompasses various advanced visualization technologies, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). These technologies are used to create experiences that blend the physical and digital worlds. Our team has access to a wide range of XR devices, from conventional VR headsets to the latest AR goggles and tracking sensors.


Reality Capture

Reality Capture technologies can be used to capture and process real-world data into accurate and detailed digital assets of buildings and infrastructure (3D models, maps, etc.). We operate a range of drone platforms, sensors, laser scanners, and infrared handheld cameras, as well as state-of-the-art data processing software.


Building Information Modelling

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a 3D model-based approach that provides a common data environment for all stakeholders involved in a construction project and throughout the building lifecycle. We have unrestricted access to several BIM software applications, add-ons, simulation and analysis tools.

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