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Our story


Since 2018, we have worked diligently to become world-leading experts in digital technology applications in the built environment. Our commitment to quality research, hands-on teaching, and close industry collaboration brought us to the forefront of technology innovation. We continue expanding our efforts based on how we can best address industry problems and expand our knowledge on unexplored topics. Many technological innovations have been developed to improve people’s performance in various activities in the built environment, but many fall short in addressing the root causes of inefficiencies and problems, which can often be traced back to human-computer interaction problems and human misinterpretation of information. In order to improve our built environment, these underlying problems must be addressed.


Our mission is to explore digital technology-driven solutions for challenges in the built environment by bringing together cognitive, social, psychological, and computational sciences. Our research is at the intersection of basic and applied science, focusing on challenging long-standing assumptions in the field. We aim to lay the foundations of scientific knowledge regarding the benefits of digital technology applications and identify opportunities for revolutions in user experiences and technology adoption.

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